Thursday, April 29, 2010

3D! It's not just for Avatar anymore!

Oh...hello blog....I didn't see you there. What's that? Where have I been? Well...I've...been busy! Huh? No, nothing's more important than my forthcoming baby! Please don't yell at me blog. I know I've neglected you, but.....OK, I'll quite making excuses and get right to it...

Second trimester is almost done and several things have happened since I last updated. That being said, progress has not been made on a couple major issues: no name yet and no nursery theme - hence no paint on the walls in the nursery. I keep telling myself we have plenty of time, but I have a feeling I'll be saying that when the doctors says "We're at 8 cm now!"

On to the cool stuff that's happened. Anyone ever do one of those 3D/4D Ultrasounds? I thought these were pretty common these days, but several people I've talked to had no idea what they were. In case you don't know, doctors use alien technology that was passed down from Area 51 to enhance the 2D Ultrasound technology that already exists to create a 3D image of your baby while he or she is still hanging in the womb. If it doesn't become self-aware, it will show you incredible detail of your baby: facial features, expressions, etc.

I must admit, the first time I seen a picture of one of these, I thought it was creepy and slightly disgusting to look at. However, as Will Smith put it, my baby "made this look good!" Seriously, it's a much different experience when it's your baby and you're in the room watching them do it live. Seeing the baby moving around in 3D was such a cool experience. The only thing that made it even better, was having both of our Moms in the room for it.

And, because my mom was keeping two of my nieces at the time, we were able to share the experience with them as well. It really warmed my heart to see the wonder and joy on their faces when they seen our baby for the first time on the big screen. I know it's something they will never forget (nor let my nephew live down) and I will always cherish as well.

As for the baby currently known as Peanut? Well, he was all over the place! He moved around the entire time. We decided to buy a stuffed bear that plays the baby's heartbeat. To do that, the lady has to isolate the baby's heartbeat with her gadget and record it onto a little device. She worked for about 30 minutes trying to get a good one. Every time she thought she had him, he would move. I believe she tore up about two of those recording devices pushing it on and off so much. She even told Cristy "I feel sorry for you when he gets bigger! I've never had a baby move around that much."

I like to let people know about businesses that I think do a great job and give excellent service. Go to Precious View in BG if you are in the market for a 3D/4D ultrasound...and by in the market, I mean pregnant.