Thursday, January 14, 2010

Are you going to the gym...I'm pregnant!

OK...time for the first flashback and the reason why this pregnancy is so amazing for us. Let me just say, I know there are far more mind-bending pregnancy stories, but this one happen to us and I'm the one writing this freakin' blog.

Cristy and I love kids. We both have nieces and nephews that we spoil and spend lots of time with. My nieces and nephew LOVE her and her nieces and nephews acknowledge we're married. So, having kids was always a part of the plan, it was just a matter of when. Like a lot of couples we decided to wait a year or two before we started trying and once we did, we thought "Any day now!" Well...weeks turned into months and months turned into years and still no baby.

After a couple years, being the astute couple we are, we thought something must be wrong here! A couple tests here and there (along with a few more months of dragging our feet) we're finally told having a child naturally would not be possible. Good news... you can have a kid together...bad news, you have to invest in a turkey baster. At that point, at least in my mind, it became "When do you want to place an order for a child?"

We put it out of minds for awhile and Cristy began work putting on her elementary school production of The Lion King. It was a huge production that took up 3 months or her life with late nights, long weekends and lots of paper mache. A very stressful time for her!

A few weeks after her production wrapped, I get a phone call at work.

Cristy: Are you going to the gym today?
Me: I was planning on it.
Cristy: You may want to come home.
Me: there something you need me to do?
Cristy:......................I'm pregnant!
My Inner Monologue: Sounds like my work is done...I'm heading to the gym!
Me (for real): What?

I was so excited, but with everything we'd went through, I wasn't ready to believe it. The test had to be old, a false positive or the neighbor peed on the stick. Even when the doctor did the pee test the next day, I almost asked them to do a blood test just to be sure. In truth, it wasn't until we heard the heartbeat 5 weeks later that I really felt like it was real. And it's wife's hormone changes so far have been proof of that, but I'll save that for later...


  1. i LOVE this story!! isn't it amazing that doctors can tell you it won't happen, but that God has other plans?? when are you guys due??

  2. I know. I had a friend say "I'm convinced God's favorite hobby is making jackasses out of doctors who tell couples they can't have kids. Or maybe He just likes to remind us who is in charge of creating life." I agree! We are due on Aug. 3rd. We go back on March 12th to find out what it is.
