Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So...I had this idea a few months ago to start a blog. I had seen a couple other friends do it and thought it was a good idea for a couple reasons: I could practice writing, while relieving myself of all the crazy thoughts that flow through my mind. It was just going to be me rambling on about random things happening in my life or observations I've made. I tend to like comedy more than tragedy, so I was hoping I could take it in a humorous direction.

But...like most things, I kept putting it off. Then something amazing happened to me. On December 7th, 2009, I found out my wife was 6 weeks pregnant. The pregnancy itself wasn't amazing (I'm told it happens often these day). It was the fact that WE were pregnant. So...I decided to go ahead and create the blog, so I could document our journey (mostly MY journey, since I will be the one writing this stuff) through this pregnancy. Hopefully, it will be entertaining to you, the non-existent reader (as of this posting, anyway).

As of this posting, Cristy is 11 weeks, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I'll have to handle this shit like LOST and tell things in Flash Back. Try to keep up!

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